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A beastly interpretation

Inspiring heritage Geschreven op 06 Dec 2023
JVG erfgoed hires broederschap sint rombout 2

Jasper Van Gestal is an illustrator and tattoo artist from Turnhout. He took on the challenge to make new art, based on a 17th century manuscript. Fascinated by the natural world and the symbolism of everything around us, Van Gestel got inspired by the colourful illuminations in the Register of the brotherhood of Sint Rombout. The artist transformed some of the delicate animals and decorations from the register to his own, recognizable imagery. The result? A very contemporary fairy tale vibe.

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Source reference: Broederschap van Sint-Rombout (Brotherhood of St Rombout), 1652-1745, Register van de broederschap van Sint-Rombout (Register of the Brotherhood of St Rombout), Archdiocesan Archives in Mechelen, Public domain

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