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Glass plates
RS286 bk16m6p85c tiff scr

Rubenshuis garden and view of garden pavilion

Rights status
Copyright protection not determined

This is the garden of the Rubenshuis at the beginning of the 20th century, before the house became a museum. From the 18th and especially in the 19th century, the Baroque character and even part of Rubens' garden is lost. Around 1890, a stable building was built in the back left corner, next to the garden pavilion, even with a gigantic warehouse in the garden of the right section. When the museum was launched in 1946, the original character of the garden was restored as much as possible. The almost 300-year-old Venin Tree or Taxus Baccata (left) still watches over the garden today. The pavilion that Rubens himself designed for his own garden can also be seen on the glass plate, and admired again from summer 2024.

  • Format: glass plate
  • Format version: positive

Source: Anonymous, Date unknown, Garden and view of garden pavilion Rubenshuis, Rubenshuis, Copyright protection not known