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Newspapers showcase

RS296 8k74t9gj1t 0001 tiff scr

De arbeider der voedingsnijverheid: monthly publication by the 'Landelijke Centrale der Werklieden en Werksters der Voedingsnijverheid van België' (National Federation of Food Industry Workers in Belgium)

February 1913 Amsab-ISG
RS469 hh6c27qc6f 0001 tiff scr

De straal: weekly magazine to spread Flemish-national thought

02-07-1925 ADVN
RS429 9g5gb5gt51 0001 tiff scr

Het huisgezin: illustrated weekly publication for 'family homes'

05-12-1897 Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience
RS409 0v89g8gj84 0001 tiff scr

Small posters from the district of Leuven

21-04-1833 KU Leuven Bibliotheken
RS308 pr7mp8161q 0001 tiff scr

De onafhankelyke der provincie Limburg: news and announcements publication for the province of Limburg

03-01-1850 Bibliotheek Hasselt Limburg
RS401 kd1qg2d72p 0001 tiff scr

Gazette van Gend: announcements or warning newspaper authorised by HRH the Sovereign Prince of the United Netherlands

04-01-1814 Universiteit Gent
RS445 bg2h738k5k 0001 tiff scr

Journal des petites affiches: weekly magazine for the district of Leuven

06-01-1839 KU Leuven Bibliotheken
RS381 610vq67617 0081 tiff scr

Stad Brugge: weekly newspaper for West Flanders, published every Sunday, containing news, market reports and announcements

06-01-1867 Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge
RS345 vm42r6s22j 0001 tiff scr


15-04-1879 Erfgoedbibliotheek Hendrik Conscience
RS489 sf2m64bq7m 0001 tiff scr

De klets: weekly publication against 'Vlaamschhaters' (Flemish haters) and 'volksbedriegers' (deceivers of the people)

03-03-1889 ADVN
RS389 j96060tz66 0001 tiff scr

L'indicateur de Bruges et de la province: advertisements, notices and miscellaneous news 06-04-1856

06-04-1856 Openbare Bibliotheek Brugge
RS373 v698665q82 0001 tiff scr

De beiaard: Catholic weekly newspaper of Sottegem and surrounding area

06-07-1902 KU Leuven KADOC
RS425 9c6rz2pp09 0001 tiff scr

De volksstem: weekly magazine of the socialist propaganda clubs of Ledeberg and Gentbrugge

04-05-1919 Amsab-ISG
RS481 hm52g0qc30 0001 tiff scr

Gazette van Gend: announcements or warning newspaper authorised by HRH the Sovereign Prince of the United Netherlands

27-11-1872 Universiteit Gent
RS349 g73711qg53 0001 tiff scr

De kindervriend: illustrated weekly magazine for young people

09-01-1927 KU Leuven KADOC
RS316 348gf4d167 0001 tiff scr

Gazet van Hasselt: Catholic and Flemish weekly newspaper

30-10-1909 Bibliotheek Hasselt Limburg