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Collection of manuscripts from the De Goudbloem Sint-Niklaas chamber of rhetoric

This collected manuscript comprises a series of copies of plays and eulogies dating from the 17th century. It represents the repertoire of the chamber of rhetoric 'De Goudbloem' (The Marigold) of Sint-Niklaas. 'De Goudbloem Sint-Niklaas' first appears as 'De Rethorisienen van Temssche ende Sente Niclaus' (The Rhetoricians of Temse and Saint Nicholas) in the context of their participation in the fair procession in Dendermonde in August 1529. The chamber was baptised on 10 February 1537, by 'De Fonteine' from Ghent. In 1610, the chamber was recognized by De Fonteine as the principal chamber of the Land of Waas, granting it the right to baptise new chambers within its territory. In 1611, it baptised the chambers of Elversele and Nieuwkerken.

Koninklijke Oudheidkundige Kring van het Land van Waas
Rederijkerskamer De Goudbloem Sint-Niklaas
Rights status
Public domain
  • Inventory number cp: a269
  • Masterpiece ID: 442
  • Format: Manuscript
  • Number of folios: 227
  • Dimensions: 325 x 210 x 57 mm
  • Material: paper

Source: Rederijkerskamer De Goudbloem Sint-Niklaas, 1641-1766, Collection of manuscripts from the De Goudbloem Sint-Niklaas chamber of rhetoric, Koninklijke Oudheidkundige Kring van het Land van Waas, Public domain