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Soldier looks through periscope

A German soldier peers through a periscope. This image is part of a collection of 104 glass plates related to the Marine Corps Flanders.

A Belgian soldier with TN gas mask

A Belgian soldier with one of the first gas masks from 1915, consisting of several parts. A cloth for the mouth, separate goggles and a bag to store everything on the chest. This image is part of a collection of 194 pictures depicting daily life at the Belgian Front.

Holy Mass conducted by Chaplain Vanneste behind the front lines

The Holy Mass conducted by Chaplain Jules Vanneste behind the front lines. This image is part of a collection of 218 prints and glass plates by Jules Vanneste. In addition to this collection, the museum also possesses other personal items belonging to the chaplain, including his stuffed little dog 'Tourpille'.

Two men and a woman at a table

A large number of glass plates came to the In Flanders Fields collection in various ways. This one is one of them. We have no information about who is on this glass plate, or where or when it was taken.